Thursday, October 9, 2008

working with dojo

I'm using the Javascript toolkit dojo on the UWA AWC project. The wiki is currently not public. Let me know if you think you should read it and can not.


  1. I just got the latest dojo 1.2 and will look into the tests and examples. I am currently looking at how to use to get json from servers, passing query parameters each time. I have done a bit with various ways to do that, and want to see if there are better ways.

    The dojo site is slow.

  2. Moved forward. I am getting errors using the test code they use. Will put it up on one of my lamp servers to get php. (I did not want to install php on my laptop at this time)

    I have the comment code talking to the server but also getting errors. It could be a path issue.

  3. I worked on passing the trip id on to the perl services. I am using

    It's working - mostly.

    I may put up a test environment with php on a lamp server. Some of the tests that come with dojo use php for the server side.

  4. I did an example that used one of the dijit editor tests. I will add a plugin that will put up a dialog to add macros to the delivery text.

    and I did some working with the size of tabs. There was some weirdness with djConfig when it was declared outside the script... tag that got dojo.js. hmmm?
