Saturday, February 14, 2009

shindig on godaddy virtual dedicated server

I installed Apache's shindig on one of our sites running on godaddy's virtual dedicated servers. Shindig - an Apache incubator project for OpenSocial and gadgets lets me test social networking software on my own container server. I am just starting to dig into all the cool OpenSocial/ OpenId/ OAuth stuff. I tried Google Friend Connect and did some simple hello world gadgets that worked on GFC and iGoogle. I am looking at adding social networking to some of our sites and shindig should let me explore what I need to do to get even more social.

I have a pretty basic setup, CentOS 5.2 with not much more than what comes out of the box. Installing shindig was not hard, here are my notes:

I used the instructions for installing the php version of shindig from the Apache Foundation
It works as advertised! The only thing I had to do was to update to PHP 5.2.x. I followed the instructions in this blog Install PHP 5.2 on CentOS 5.2 Using Yum | Fresh Blurbs

I used the Centos testing repo using Irakli's comment at the bottom.

So, all I had to do was: (YMMV)
  1. set up the Centos testing repo
  2. yum update php
  3. svn co .
and I was good to go.

Now to play with it a bit!!!

My site did not have subversion installed (it's really basic ;-). I downloaded a Subversion client from CollabNet, installed and used the subversion client to get shindig. I then removed svn. It would have been easier for me to get shindig on something that has subversion and copy the files to the server. Next time...
